Dr. Myers is a retired licensed clinical psychologist (PSY 22811) In addition, she recently retired from a full-time teaching position at Cal Poly Humboldt in the departments of Psychology and Critical Race, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. She taught a wide variety of courses related to sexuality and gender in addition to courses in methodology and statistics. In 2016-2017 she was honored with the Distinguished Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching.
Dr. Melinda Myers Pleasuring vaginas requires an understanding of how they’re put together. The nerve pathways that connect to different parts of the vulva, clitoris, and vagina all have the c…
Q. I attended your “Love Line” last night and you mentioned some pills that you can insert in your vagina to balance your pH levels. I was wondering if this was just for during a ye…
Q. I am reasonably handsome, in very good physical condition and even my ex-girlfriend says I am a great guy. I just read your column in this week’s Lumberjack, and I have a somewhat …
Q. I’m a 39 year old male in a relationship with a wonderful lady that I love very much. She is smart, beautiful and extremely sexy and making love with her is always wonderful. I do have a pro…
Q. I have been with my boyfriend for three years now, and we have been living together for about 5 months. I believe I have become more liberal and accepting of people’s sexual orientations. My…
Q. My problem is that I am sexually “shy”, for lack of a better euphemism. I have no problem achieving an erection during foreplay, even for extended periods of time, but the moment that it…
Q. I know this girl who just broke up with her sweetheart of two years. They have been separated for a month. I really like this girl and I want to tell her but I also want her to have time to he…
Q. I had a couple of questions I’m hoping you can answer. How soon does morning sickness start after you’re pregnant? How often does birth control not work? Are there any reasons that could c…
Q. I am uncircumcised, and I have heard when using condoms, it is important to pull the skin back on the penis before putting on the condom. Is this true??? When I use a condom I do not have any …
Q. Years ago when I tried using rubbers with my partner, I would go limp immediately when she put them on. When I put them on alone when masturbating I would go limp. At that time I quit using th…
Q. I have a problem in maintaining interest in a relationship. Mainly, I like the boy until I have him thoroughly engaged, then I lose all interest and forget about him. Just recently, I really b…
Q. I have been sexually active with my guy for over a year now, and he has lately been concerned with whether I have an orgasm. My question is, how do I really know? I get wet and it feels fantas…
Q. I have been in relationship with a wonderful guy for the last 18 months. It’s a very healthy relationship only we seem to have different feelings about sex. Sex is very important to me, and …
Q. My boyfriend is the epitome of the “minute man.” I honestly can’t remember the last time we had sex for more than five minutes/session. Switching up positions seems to make no difference…
Q. Please let me know the normal number of interactions for a couple about 40 years old per month. Also introduce me to an article to improve my knowledge regarding suitable behavior between…
Q. Is it true that some women can have an orgasm from vaginal stimulation alone? A. The short answer to that question is a qualified yes. While 65-75% of college aged women do not orgasm fro…
Q. In recent years I have begun to question if I have a “normal” sex drive. I wonder this because I have not had sex with a lot of partners but when I have been in a relationship I have alway…
Q. I have been in a relationship with a man for the past year and a half. We are deeply in love and have a soul connection. The problem is that I am not generally sexually attracted to men; I am …
Q. I got together with my boyfriend fairly recently, and we just started having sex. We’ve had sex a few times, in a variety of ways, and he’s never ejaculated. I thought it might be condom s…
Q. I’m wondering if there is anything like a bisexual swingers club here locally, or a group that gets together. I ‘m also wondering if it is even a good thing to do, with all the unsafe sex …